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Manchester Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Manchester organiser on: 2019-10-28


For details of our next event, visit our Facebook and Twitter pages.


New to Green Drinks Manchester?...


Green Drinks Manchester is a community of passionate individuals interested in sustainability. We bring together people across the spectrum of ‘green’ – including business, academia, the arts, and passionate members of the public. There are 800 Green Drinks events across the planet each month - welcome to the community.

Our primary purpose is to act as a way for the environmentally passionate people of Manchester to come together in a relaxed setting to have fun, however Green Drinks Manchester also acts as a forum for:

Meetings are centred around a short presentation by a keynote speaker followed by a short discussion, networking, and as many drinks as people feel like having. As well as networking to help form a more sustainable Manchester, our team of culture vultures will be scanning the events lists regularly to identify the best of what the city has to offer – from comedy gigs, the arts, movies, or the odd bite to eat.

If you haven’t already, please connect with us on Facebook and Twitter, where we will share all sorts of articles that we think will be of use to you. 

We hope to see you there, and we can’t wait to meet you.

Get in Touch

If you would like to find out more or fancy being a speaker, then please email us at GreenDrinksManchester [at]

Edited: 28/10/19